Ep. 38: "The power of rest"

Do you need more rest? 

We are conditioned by society to be productive and keep moving forwards, so rest is not something that comes naturally or fits in easily into the schedule of many busy business owners. 

Rest can be a bit like exercise – you know you should do more of it, but somehow you just don’t seem to be able to fit it in, or it’s not a priority.  

We live in a culture that rewards productivity. We push ourselves to produce results at our jobs, at the gym, with our income, our weight, in our spare time we work on self-improvement.  

Adopting the masculine way, as women we can push ourselves to exhaustion, overwhelm and even burnout. 

Resting allows our desires and intentions to manifest, but without the effort and control, without the pushing and striving.  

In today’s solo episode I dive into this important, often overlooked, topic. 

Give yourself permission to stop and rest today. 

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