5 Reasons why Focusing on your Spiritual Journey will increase your Business Success


1.   Your energy directly impacts your business

As an entrepreneur your energy is the business’ energy. Your thoughts, feelings, and love for your business feed directly into everything you create. It’s that energy that potential clients feel & are attracted to.

As you raise your frequency/vibration, you raise the vibration of your business too & it becomes more magnetic to ideal clients.

2.   It will help you manage your emotions

The human journey can be an emotional rollercoaster, and it’s your emotions – especially shame, guilt & fear – that have the power to make you self abandon, quit or feel like you’re not good enough, or not meant for this.

These emotions feed into procrastination, perfectionism, avoidance and confusion. They slow down progress, prevent decisions being made and make the entrepreneurial journey more stressful, difficult and harder than it needs to be.

Being able to take a step back, see things from your soul’s perspective and move from ‘being’ your emotions to ‘observing’ your emotions, will have a serious impact on your performance & keep you going when things are tough.

The ones that win, are the ones that keep going.

3.   It will help you handle failure

Failure is a normal part of entrepreneurship. In order to be successful it takes risks, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and being willing to try things, fail, handle disappointment & all the feelings associated with not getting the outcome you wanted.

You have to be able to get up, dust yourself off and try yet again. When you see things from a spiritual perspective, when you know there’s a bigger picture at play. When you know you are loved and supported by God/the Universe/Source, then you know that things are always working out even if you can’t see it right now. 

There’s a tremendous source of faith & support right there for you.

Right now.

For free.

4.   It will help you connect to the feeling of true abundance

True abundance is the feeling of being unlimited with infinite resources available at your disposal. It’s the vibration of pure love.

When you can tap into that place through your heart and your energy, you can start to truly embody it.

This feeling inside that all is well then gets reflected back from the outside world in the form of new opportunities, appreciations, new clients and new contracts.

The only way to acquire that true feeling of abundance is through this connection.

When you see the Creator/God as your source of money, rather your clients as the source, then you know there’s an infinite supply.

5.   It will help you create a business that’s most aligned with the reason your soul is here in this lifetime

The more you understand yourself, your gifts, talents, skills and life lessons, the more you can create a way of serving the world that comes easily and joyfully to you.

You came here on a mission, and the more you understand that mission, and the more you can create a business around the purpose you are here, the more things will flow for you.

Diving deep into your spiritual journey will bring answers that no marketing course, online programme or coach can ever give you.

Yes, the best answers lie inside you.  

Have you experienced the impact of focusing on your spiritual journey and connection to spirit in your business?

Let me know in the comments below….