Two Words that Can Change Everything….


Two words. 

Two of the most powerful words, that when used correctly, can open up a realm of possibilities….

Two words, that when used unconsciously, have the power to take you out of the game completely. The power to make you freeze, stop, procrastinate and unable to move forwards or try something new.

What are these two words?


Let’s take making a big investment (it could be in yourself, a home, a holiday, a training etc)

You might find your inner dialogue is going something like this….

What if this doesn’t work out?

What if I don’t get the outcome I want?

What if it turns out to be a waste of money?

What if they let me down/pull out/disappoint me?

What if it doesn’t work for me?

What if I lose my money?

What if I get sick?

What if I can’t keep up?

What if I am not good enough?

The fears rise up, and anything that feels unfamiliar, uncertain or a risk, immediately gets a light shined into it’s darkest corners. 

This unconscious part of you wants you to survive, and perceives these new things - taking risks, trying new directions - to be a threat. 

It tries to pull you back….

But there’s a higher, wiser part of you that’s always available to you. 

This is your higher self, your soul, the divine part of you. 

She knows she’s meant for more.

She knows she is not meant to stay in a box.

She knows she’s made for more than playing safe.

She’s doing with playing small, fitting in, going along with things and buying in to a story that’s not hers.

So she starts asking a different question…


What if I was meant for more?

What if this was an incredible opportunity for me?

What if things worked out even better than I expected?

What if it was easier than I imagined? 

What if I was able to make 2x, 3x  or even 4x as much money?

What if I absolutely loved it?

What if it was one of the best decisions I ever made?

What if I am stronger, more capable, and more talented than I realise?

What if I did figured it out?

What if I did overcome my fears and started truly believing in myself?

What if people loved and appreciated my work?

What if my words mattered? Touched people deeply? 

What if I was fulfilling my potential and feeling empowered, successful, alive?

Not only does it pivot your mind, your thoughts, your energy and thus your actions, but this open expansive energy starts to attract the very circumstances you are seeking to attract.

The subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is not. 

When you start to reside in this place of possibility, it starts to magnetise and rearrange circumstances to line up to support the new reality you want to bring in. 

So just from holding this new perspective you are already creating what you want. 

Pretty cool hey?

The choice is yours. 

So, what question are you going to ask yourself today?

Let me know in the comments below….